What is CiviCRM?
CiviCRM is a free, Open Source CRM (FLOSS: Free, Libre Open Source), created and maintained by a diverse community of nonprofit users. It is a comprehensive CRM used by social-oriented organizations such as NGOs, associations, foundations, charities, universities, among others.

Why using CiviCRM matters
A CRM is oriented to satisfy the needs of the nonprofit organizations. CiviCRM is built with the understanding that generating and strengthening bonds with constituents is much more than merely collecting data. It’s sustaining relationships over a diverse set of constituents.
CiviCRM is flexible and designed to be tailored for each organization. This approach means CiviCRM will offer unparalleled approaches to collecting, interfacing with and reporting on your data.
CiviCRM allows you to create and manage all your contacts by registering all of the activities related to them and any custom fields about them. With CiviCRM you’ll be able to categorize and search contacts with in powerful ways such as:
- Types and subtypes of contacts
- Static groups and smart groups
- Tags for contacts. A quick way to categorize the database.
- Relationships. You'll be able to define as many relationship types for your contacts as you need. (e.g. Board Member of, Trainer for, Chapter of)

- Send mass emails your contact base
- Infinite segmentation possibilities. Include / exclude contact groups.
- Create visually appealing email templates that you'll be able to reuse every month
- Control your reputation so you get maximum deliverability to your supporters inboxes
Contributions & Memberships
CiviCRM is able to manage your contributions, memberships and event fees and provide seamless web integration. Have other types of contributions? Just add them.
- Seamless integration with your website to do project based fundraising, peer-to-peer and more
- Define and manage various membership types based on duration, amount required and whether it is an automatic renewal
- Automatic renewal reminders to ensure your membership retention rate is optimized
- Integrate with the most popular processors such as Stripe, PayPal, Authorize.net, iATS and more

- Organize an event and create a web page for online registration
- Create an event cart for multiple events for a conference or to add on additional items
- Track attendance and use various roles to manage your different types of contacts attending
- QR code generation for an easier registration process.
Volunteer management, fundraising analysis, automated communications and more...
The community of developers, implementers and users of CiviCRM is an extremely active community. Aside from using the “Core” there are specifically designed CiviCRM extensions like:
- Volunteer Management
- Case Workflow Management
- Rule-based triggers for advanced automation
- Advanced permissioning

Try our CiviCRM demo
We have a public demo of Civi-Go that you can test out. Envision the opportunities CiviCRM can unlock for your organization